
Creative Exploration on the
Bay of Fundy

Parrsboro – Minas Basin Bay of Fundy

Twice a day the two billion tons of ocean flows into the Minas Basin and retreats back to the Atlantic. That’s the equivalent of all the freshwater rivers in the world. And that’s twice a day, every day of the year.

Parrsboro Harbour at Low Tide

Twice a day the two billion tons of ocean flows into the Minas Basin and retreats back to the Atlantic. That’s the equivalent of all the freshwater rivers in the world. And that’s twice a day, every day of the year.

The force of the tides is a fundamental rhythm of life here, as is the creative energy of our local artists talented in so many disciplines.

These two forces give Parrsboro a special energy which visitors feel right away, and is drawing more and people from all walks of life to become a part of this unique community.

10 Days in October

Supporting our Business Community

By bringing our Main Street Alive.